I leave the hotel before dawn. It takes almost 4 hours to reach the trailhead. From Gömbe the road is unpaved. However, to my surprise I find brown signposts to points of interest. However, after a few kilometres, the arrows and my direction will stand out.

I park the car on the first big plateau, change my shoes and start walking, soon i realize that road similar quality as before, get back in the car and drive on. About one and a half kilometres later I come to a second plateau with a few buildings. I leave the car next to them.

Looking around, I see a ridge that I would have had to climb over if I had chosen a different parking space, a little higher up. Rob’s advice to start climbing from the meadow is very good.

At 2500 metres, the trail goes to the left. Trail should also lead to the summit, but Mclellan gpx track looks faster and i take it.

After climbing up the slope to the ridge, the trail is quite flat and easy. To be more precise, there is no trail, but you don’t really need one. I approach the false summit, go around to the left and quickly reach the true summit. A flag flies at the highest point.

After looking around and eating an apple, I climb down. The same path as I came. It’s easy to go down, and I’m moving more optimally than forward

At the car, local shepherds were very inviting to have a cup of tea. I had to say thanks and refuse – as I had some plans. At the end they ask me to take their centenarian grandmother to the nearest village – Gömbe. So I do, and I hope it counts as a good deed..

Another Turkish Ultra peak climbed, gand the day is only half over, so I’m trying my luck with one more Ultra peak – Babadag. It’s just over 35 kilometres away, but it’s almost a 3-hour drive…