We land in Lisbon, Portugal at 5am and our next flight is at 7pm, so we have plenty of time to bag the peaks around here. The only problem is that many of them have already been climbed by Rob, me or both of us. However, we found one regional highpoint that neither of us…
Country: Santarém
Portugal – Santarém

This legend tells the story of a Christian knight, Gonçalo Hermigues, who kidnapped a Moorish princess named Fatima on St John’s Day in 1158. The knight took her to a small village in Portugal and she fell in love with him and converted to Christianity, taking the name Oureana. As a reward for her conversion,…

The highpoint of the Santarém region in Portugal. Rob and I found that neither of us had bagged this mountain, so there were few arguments against visiting it. We checked previous reports and expected to have to leave our car a few miles early, but when we arrived we found a reasonably good road all…