Pico Remal wasn’t on my radar, especially since my original plan was to reach Pico Ruivo do Paul da Serra from the north. But plans have a way of changing, right? The northern route turned out to be too rough for my small rented car, so I drove all the way around and approached from the west instead. When I checked the Peakbagger app by accident, I discovered that Pico Remal P147 was just half a kilometer away. It was too good an opportunity to miss, so I decided to take a little detour.

I noticed the peak by its antennas, indicating a road led to the top. After a quick turn of the steering wheel, I headed to the peak’s parking area, just a few hundred meters up the paved road. I parked at the roadside, then strolled along the unpaved road to the summit. The views were fantastic—antennas, a trig pillar, and a little bonus bump to add to today’s collection. After that, I returned to the car and set off for Pico Ruivo do Paul da Serra.