What a splendid day, in every sense imaginable—the sky’s blue hue, the successful ascent of Otgon Tenger Uul, and the overall triumph of our expedition. There’s more, of course. As we drive out of the valley, veering left just before the national park gates, our car flexes its off-road muscles in low gear. We park on a ridge, a stone’s throw from the summit, signaling it’s time to proceed on foot.

The summit itself is unremarkable, yet the view it offers—spanning the valley towards Otgon city—is truly breathtaking, showcasing a lush river valley. On the opposite side of the ridge lies a steep cliff, presenting a stark contrast to our side’s gradual ascent. This same valley, which we navigated to reach and depart from Otgon Tenger Uul, provides a scenic journey that’s rewarding even for those who don’t climb.

After a brisk two-minute hike, we’re back in the car, descending and driving a bit further, bypassing Otgon city and camping along the coast of the Buyant-gol river. This very river begins in the snows of Otgon Tenger Uul. Relaxed with our mission accomplished, we enjoy a pleasant dinner, a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow we head back to Ulaanbaatar. Our minds are already visualizing future hikes in Phou Bia in Laos, followed by adventures in Cambodia and Thailand.