Hurrying towards North Schell Peak, sunlight bounces off something in the distance. My brain screams “reflection,” but a nagging voice whispers, “roll down the window, buddy, is that thunder?” Turns out, the little voice was Einstein today. Another flash, then a rumble confirms it – storm’s brewing, maybe 6 km out by the sound of it. Time to ditch the hike, park above Timber Creek, and see which way this tempest decides to blow. One hour rain check, Mother Nature!

Ten minutes by the car, all seemed peaceful. New plan: hike the scenic creek trail to the tree line and see how the storm unfolds. Easy path, wispy clouds, zero rain – things were looking up. But wait! Dark clouds creep in from both sides, like a scene straight out of a movie. Before you know it, rain starts falling, but hey, it wasn’t a complete downpour. Sheltered by the trees for 45 minutes, the storm grumbled for an hour before finally clearing out. Blue skies again? Time to crush this hike!

Reaching the end of the ravine where the stream dives under the snowpack, I veer right and walk up some slightly steeper, rocky slopes. Easy climb though, no trail needed! Half an hour later, I reach a small saddle below the summit. A few more minutes and I’m on top! Panoramic views in every direction, a small stick marking the summit, and even a benchmark. After a classic apple refuel, I head back down the same way I came.

A little over an hour later, I’m back at the car and cruising towards Ely. Two nights in town – comfy digs and some evening work to catch up on. Wheeler Peak’s calling, and tomorrow, that summit is mine!