Last year, I aimed to hike Telescope Peak in November, but storms had closed the route a long time ago. This time, Death Valley National Park’s website says nothing about road closures. Time to try again! Mihai mentioned it hit 45°C in Death Valley last week, so I expect little snow on top.

At the entrance to Wildrose Canyon, old signs warn the road is closed. I decided to see for myself. The road looks promising for ten kilometers, then bam – it’s really closed. I retrace 10 kilometers and try another route from the north. The road is good. I pass Towne Pass, turn right at Emigrant Campground, pass Emigrant Pass, pass Wildrose Campground, and skip Thorndike Campground. I drive steep, unpaved tracks to Mahogany Flat Campground at 36.22986, -117.06823 at an altitude of 2486m. It’s 31°C, a relief from the 37°C lower in the valley.

I change and start hiking. Ascending about 500 meters to Arcane Meadows, the trail is easy and gradual, with lots of flowers and occasional shade from the trees. I continue just below the ridge, skipping Rodgers and Bennett Peaks for now. Telescope Peak is the priority. Descending a few dozen meters, then climbing the final 450 meters to the summit, the switchbacks make it manageable.

At the summit, there’s a log box and peak marker. The views from Death Valley’s highest point are amazing, but ladybugs swarm me, likely seeking cooler spots. After a few minutes, I escape the insect kingdom and head back down the same trail.

Initially, I planned to detour to Bennett and Rodgers Peaks on the way back, but now I see it’s late afternoon. I still have a drive ahead if I want to hike Lassen Peak tomorrow. Saving an hour counts, so I head straight to the car. Just before the car, I meet the first person today, another hiker from Santa Barbara – not the one from the TV series, though.

A hot but pleasant day, with my first ultra peak of the trip bagged. A good start – half the work done. Driving north, towards Lassen Peak.