We decided to visit this peak unexpectedly, although I had wanted to go there for a few years. We drove fifteen kilometres from Vilnius and were still surrounded by houses, with construction going on next to the hill. First we tried the south side, but were stopped by the construction fences that ran all along the southern slope of this hill. Then we tried the possible road to the east to the house near the top, but unfortunately it was also fenced in. So we drove all the way around to the north side, parked our car next to one of the unfinished houses and walked to the top. It was very unusual as there was a lot of snow in March; some steps were knee deep. Later we found some tracks, surprisingly – it looks like this peak is visited more often than one would think.

At the top we found a triangular metal structure with a metal end at the bottom. It is likely that some measuring equipment is attached to it. In Malaysia these structures are called “beiruts” and they are sometimes found in France, Switzerland and I think I have seen them in a few other places.

View from above (right)

Short, unplanned walk and now one “red” spot less on the map. Excellent! I’m looking forward to my third trip to West Africa this year.