Before the second summit of the day, we stopped for coffee at the lodge cafeteria, which has a beautiful sandy beach lined with palm trees. The drive through the potholes was worth every minute. From the cafeteria we could see tourists getting into small boats and heading for Ilhéu das Rolas. This small island lies on the equator and I guess this virtual line attracts visitors… or maybe they come to prove the spinning water experiment, who knows.

Lama Porco peak does not look very high (right)

From the lodge we crossed a plantation and reached an overgrown old road that led us to the top. At the top we found an old abandoned and rusted artillery installation and not far away a trig pillar with the typical inscription 1916. There was little else to see around us, but interestingly we met a group of people at the top. We descended to the car and still had time to climb Cantagalo today.