I drive on good roads and soon it’s starting to get light, great scenery all around.

I arrive at a settlement which is quite empty in the early morning. I drive up a poor quality road, but the last few hundred metres are even more difficult. I can hear the stone scraping the bottom. uhh.The rental company said that there was a GPS tracker in the car, but I hoped there was no microphone. At 36.906527, 32.148833, I arrive at a flat square with sheep sheds, change my shoes and start climbing.

For a few hundred meters, I follow a shepherd’s path next to a rock band, which I cross later. Easy scramble, nothing complicated.

My route is not very steep. I go around a few potholes.

I reach the ridge from which I first saw the summit. I start by visiting the slightly lower summit of Utele Dagi (p30?).

A cairn at the top, great views all around. After a good ten minutes of rest, I climbed down. This time I shorten the route a bit and don’t go all the way to the saddle.

The first of several planned ultra peaks in Turkey. A great day was just started.