Descending the verdant slopes of Hasgat Khairkhan Uul, we set our sights on the next ultra-prominent peak, Bumbag Khairkhan Uul, preparing for a two-day trek. Along the way, the allure of lower peaks was too tempting to resist, and naturally, we discovered some. First up was “Peak 1633m Jeragalan”, where Rob confirmed a modest 50m prominence after a short and pleasant hike that offered delightful views—a welcome interlude in our lengthy drive. Later today, we plan to explore two additional features, “Peak 1774m Taishir” and “Peak 1727m Taishir“.
Car parked at the base of a gully, just shy of the summit.Peaks grace the background with their majestic presence.From the summit, higher mountains loom impressively in the distance.The terrain is a straightforward, gradual incline with rocky patches—nothing too tricky.Cairns adorned with typical blue fabric mark the summit.A horse rider doll sits on the summit, its significance and meaning left to the imagination.The summit features two lines of cairns that seem to indicate a direction, hinting at a possible path or significant alignment.The surface is rugged.