The last of today’s summits was relatively easy, but harder than expected. We tried to approach from the south-east, but were turned back by some gentlemen, so we drove around the southern peninsula and parked our car on the side of a rough forest track. A stronger car could have gone a few more kilometres, but driving was not much faster than walking.

We made our way through the oil palm plantations to the foot of the mountain, trying to access it in a couple of places, but it was not easy due to the dense vegetation. We decided to walk around and soon found a ravine with less dense forest. The slopes were steep but passable and getting up was much easier than finding the highest point. Finally, after another ten minutes of wandering, we reached what seemed to be the highest point, which also corresponded to the topographical lines. On the way down, we took a shortcut along the north-east slope and then rejoined our original path in the plantation.

This was the third P100 summit today, not bad considering how well vegetated this equatorial island is. Tomorrow we will climb peaks on the north side of São Tomé, starting from Pico Boa Entrada.