The storm had completely stopped by the time we reached the bottom of the mountain. We parked our car on the main road and walked up the almost perfectly formed spiral road to the top. We were able to take in all the surrounding views at least four times; twice on the way up and twice on the way down.

Well, the road is passable with a high-clearance car, but there are some large fallen trees along the way. Some from the morning storm. One fell after we left. Anyway, it was nice to walk in the fresh air after the rain.

Communication mast (right)

At the top we found huge Portuguese style trig pillar and communication masts. Not a great view because of the clouds, but on a sunny day the sea and some smaller peaks would make the landscape more interesting.

Breadfruit tree (right)

It’s almost midday and we still have time for one more summit today. About ten kilometres to the south-east, near the Voice of America radio station, is the last summit of the trip – Sameiro.