We went up the summit of Manado Tua in the morning and climbed Lokon in the evening—a great plan, and we succeeded. From the port of Manado, we drive towards Lokon mountain and climb up. We reach the summit just as the sunset is starting.

At the beginning, we follow an old lava trail, shortening the trail as we approach the crater. As we climb above the crater, we can see smoke billowing from it. Impressive view.

We reach a steep clay path with tall grass on the sides that leads all the way to the top. It’s difficult and slippery, but there’s no other way.

The path is covered with tall grass; the higher up the path, the taller the grass

Sunset catches us at the top, and we know we will be descending in the dark. It’s not a big deal, but it would be good to pass the slippery trail segments, and then it will be easy. A little over an hour and a half later, we reach the car. A fantastic day out in the P600 mountains!