The journey to the peak is an adventure in itself, spiced up with a game of ‘Name That Peak!’ along the way. Ich-Tevsh-Ula? Sounds more like a magic incantation than a mountain, yet here it is, towering with its P200 status. Yes, we were the ones keeping score, and post-climb, we triumphantly declared it P202.

In theory, with a dash of effort or perhaps a more astute analysis of the terrain, driving straight to the summit might be possible. But why overexert ourselves when a clear trail awaits in a cozy gully, leading us directly to the summit plateau? Upon arrival, we’re greeted by three summit candidates. Rob, armed with his trusty hand level, swiftly crowns the highest, predictably located to the North. Because obviously, the summit worth reaching would be the most elusive. A brisk five-minute trek gets us there, the summit unmarked but for an improvised cairn of haphazard stones.

An hour later, we’re back in the car, our sights set on the next challenge: ultra prominent peak – Myangan Yamaat, ready for whatever lies ahead.